Women Entrepreneurs in Chile Celebrate Success of Freeport’s DreamBuilder Training Program

November 6, 2024 - Women entrepreneurs from throughout Chile who have completed the DreamBuilder online training program backed by Freeport and its El Abra operation met at a recent two-day conference to hone their business skills and share their success stories.
A new book, “Dream Builders,” was launched at the opening of the conference, which was attended by about 120 women businesspeople who have completed the program. The book features interviews and photos of women from around Chile who have built their businesses after completing the online training.
DreamBuilder is available worldwide. It was created by Freeport in partnership with Arizona State University’s Thunderbird School of Global Management – a world leader in international management education.
Since it began in Chile in 2011, nearly 13,500 businesspeople have completed the DreamBuilder program there.
The conference in Santiago was opened by Antonia Orellana, Chilean Minister of Women and Gender Equity; Bernadette Meehan, U.S. Ambassador to Chile; and Mario Larenas, Freeport Country Manager for Chile.
Photos (left to right): Mario Larenas, right, Freeport Country Manager for Chile, helped launch a new book about the DreamBuilder program’s success with Saray Perez, whose success story is one of many the book describes; Antonia Orellana, right, Chilean Minister of Women and Gender Equity, discusses the DreamBuilder training with participants at a recent conference.