PT Freeport Indonesia's Malaria Control Center is Working to Eradicate Malaria in Papua by 2026

October 22, 2020 - PT Freeport Indonesia’s malaria eradication mission is part of its commitment to community health care and social services.
The program, coordinated with the government’s Mimika Regency Malaria Case Mapping as part of the roadmap to eradicate malaria by 2026, includes providing communities with insecticide spraying service in homes and businesses and blood testing to check malaria status.
The PTFI outreach team contacts approximately six households per day for malaria blood sampling, or 30-50 people in total. The blood sampling aims to ensure the spraying’s effectiveness.
PT Freeport Indonesia also is conducting a health campaign on COVID-19 health protocols. The outreach team informs the community about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and reminds them to comply with mitigation protocols such as physical distancing, frequently washing hands with soap, and wearing a face mask whenever in public.
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See the 2019 Annual Report on Sustainability for more information on the company's social, economic and environmental efforts.
Photos: PT Freeport Indonesia's Malaria Control Center is working to eradicate malaria in Papua by 2026.