The School Fund of Minera El Abra, a Freeport-McMoRan Company, Funds Leadership Program for 600 Students and Teachers

April 9, 2020 - The School of Leaders: Empodérate El Loa Program, a partnership of Emprende Joven and the Minera El Abra School Fund, promotes social-emotional skills for students and provides teacher training in the Calama region of Chile.
Social-emotional skills include the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary for youth to recognize and control their emotions and behaviors. Social-emotional skills are what is used to establish and maintain positive relationships, make responsible decisions, solve challenging situations, and set and achieve positive goals.
Emprende Joven has a digital platform that includes 20 courses teachers can use with their students.
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Photo: The School Fund of Minera El Abra is helping train teachers in the Calama region.